by Rhianna
on January 20, 2014
in Annual Events, Bag of Holding, Denver Comic Con, Mini Blogs, Palette of Holding
In an epic fangasm, Starz has picked up the amazing Outlander series of books as a new television series. I am fan-girling all over this since I have been a fan of the books since I began reading them in 2004…that’s 10 years of excitement. I can count. Anyway, as of today a small […]
by Rhianna
on June 20, 2013
in Bag of Holding, Mini Blogs, Palette of Holding, T.A.R.D.I.S. of Holding
This is the first part of my “I Got My Mod Podge On” set. The next set will feature information on how to make the SHOES. I have no idea how I was sparked by inspiration to begin decoupaging stuff, but somehow I was. Over the course of a few months I had created three […]