Comments on: Star Wars: The Old Republic /2013/01/02/swtor/ A safe space to geek out! Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:28:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: rrhiannon99 /2013/01/02/swtor/#comment-79 Thu, 14 Feb 2013 18:24:00 +0000 /?p=1490#comment-79 Just wanted to update and say that I downloaded TOR last night! I’ll be playing it tonight or tomorrow for the first time. Thanks for your recommendation, it definitely helped convince me to give it a try!

By: Angie /2013/01/02/swtor/#comment-17 Fri, 04 Jan 2013 01:13:32 +0000 /?p=1490#comment-17 I LOVE Star Trek as well, especially DS9!

On SW:TOR, there is something for everyone RP wise. The story that unravels for your character is all you really need to know. So whether someone is an advanced SW geek, knowledgeable about everything from the movies, series and extended universe or someone who has just gotten into SW, it’s easy to play, role-play and enjoy.

I know the movies, and The Clone Wars animated series, but not much else so I visit Wookieepedia and the SW:TOR wikia and learn from there. I’ve looked up food, drink, smoking, various races, the history of certain planets, etc. and note down what I want to remember, or bookmark the page on my tablet for easy reading when in game.

Also, SW: Battlefront, OMG. We love love love that game! So fun!

By: Rhianna /2013/01/02/swtor/#comment-16 Wed, 02 Jan 2013 16:36:41 +0000 /?p=1490#comment-16 I have to admit, I’m a Star Trek geek more than a Star Wars geek (*gasp*), but I do love them both. My question is about the RP servers with TOR – does the community there expect an extreme level of detailed knowledge of Star Wars to role play with everyone else, or is core/basic knowledge enough? I’ve touched a few role playing servers (in other geek realms) and there is always a chance you will hit on a server or game where the other players expect that you have lived and breathed their knowledge for years/life and frown upon those who may be new to the genre.

Also, I have to add that Star Wars: Battlefront, on Xbox, was one of the BEST games EVER. My husband and I still pull it out from time to time and play it for a few days in a row.
