Comments for The Geektastics A safe space to geek out! Mon, 09 Feb 2015 14:48:08 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Palette of Holding: I Get My Mod Podge On: CLUTCH by Rhianna /2013/06/20/palette-of-holding-clutch/#comment-196 Mon, 09 Feb 2015 14:48:08 +0000 /?p=2810#comment-196 I am so sorry, I just saw this comment. Yes, I used clear furniture lacquer.

Comment on Palette of Holding: I Get My Mod Podge On: CLUTCH by Kay /2013/06/20/palette-of-holding-clutch/#comment-175 Tue, 29 Apr 2014 16:25:00 +0000 /?p=2810#comment-175 Thanks for the info, did you also use clear furniture lacquer on the shoes?

Comment on Dear Martian Manhunter by Dear Metamorpho, | The Geektastics /2013/02/25/dear-martian-manhunter/#comment-169 Wed, 25 Dec 2013 00:26:26 +0000 /?p=3301#comment-169 […] gave Martian Manhunter crap for not having a good symbol, but you just have an ‘M’ on your belt.  Weak sauce.  Why not a beaker or an atom or at least […]

Comment on Dear Hank Pym, by gloomyharvester /2013/08/26/dear-hank-pym/#comment-168 Fri, 20 Dec 2013 02:59:00 +0000 /?p=4594#comment-168 Thanks. Sums up my feelings on Hank Pym perfectly. His entire Marvel existence has been a four decade push by the writers. It continues to be one, now they are putting him movies. Make it stop…

Comment on Dear Starfire, by Dan Gutierrez /2013/11/19/dear-starfire/#comment-167 Wed, 20 Nov 2013 02:14:00 +0000 /?p=5021#comment-167 So, I say this only having read the first handful (4 to 7?) of this series; but aren’t they trying to develop her as a character? They kind of started with her as a fanservice version of hedonismbot, but if memory serves they were hinting at what was some sort of emotionally traumatic event with Nightwing that made her shut down as a person/alien/bikini/boob thing. Did they not do anything with that? I thought it was her version of a dark place and they were going to work to get her out of.

Like I said, didn’t keep reading so I have no idea what ended up happening with that plot line.

I don’t really have a problem with sex and it’s use or misuse by characters in stories that I enjoy (think Nancy Botwin of Weeds). That said, how large they made her breasts and what she chooses to wear does kind of offend me. If you need to use tactics like to sell me your story it makes me start to doubt that your story will worth reading.

I guess what I’m asking is; is her character really just limited to “generic sexy alien”?

Comment on Dear Flash, by rrhiannon99 /2013/10/23/dear-flash/#comment-165 Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:28:00 +0000 /?p=4921#comment-165 I want to know #2 as well!

Comment on Dear Animal Man, by Keith Stieneke /2013/09/23/dear-animal-man/#comment-162 Tue, 24 Sep 2013 03:30:00 +0000 /?p=4684#comment-162 This is to be included to Animal Man. Do you remember that at one point in your history you realized that you were a comic book character and met a coyote who had realized that?

Comment on Dear Rogue, by rrhiannon99 /2013/08/12/dear-rogue/#comment-161 Mon, 19 Aug 2013 19:14:00 +0000 /?p=4566#comment-161 Love it!

Comment on Grab Bag of Holding: RomCon 2013 Giveaway BLOWOUT! by Marybeth Costello /2013/07/02/grab-bag-of-holding-romcon-2013-giveaway-blowout/#comment-159 Sat, 20 Jul 2013 00:54:00 +0000 /?p=4357#comment-159 Great giveaway, there is a lil bit of everything

Comment on I Heart: The Inventive Wedding Edition by amyWI /2013/07/10/i-heart-the-inventive-wedding-edition/#comment-158 Mon, 15 Jul 2013 20:37:00 +0000 /?p=4464#comment-158 Oh man…I LOVE those zombie themed pics!! They are beyond awesome!! I wish my husband and I had thought of that. Well, that was 8 yrs ago…if we ever renew our vows, we’re definitely doing that!
