Commenting Policy
- First comments will be moderated to reduce spam. Once your comment is approved, subsequent comments will be posted automatically without requiring further approval.
- Everyone has the right to an opinion, but I will not tolerate personal attacks against myself, other bloggers, or other readers. If you cannot express yourself in a civilized way, your comments will be deleted and you will be blocked from commenting. This includes name calling, expletives, and blatant attempts to provoke others (i.e. trolling).
- Spam comments will automatically be deleted and the spammer will be blocked from further commenting. Your comments are more likely to be approved if they mention specifics about the post or the site, rather than using generic phrases like “Thanks for the info!” or “Very informative.” Comments like this, as well as ones that simply say “Hi!” or “How are you?”, will be immediately marked as spam. If you feel this was done in error, you can email us at [email protected].
Review Policy
- While we are willing to receive free products or services for consideration, we reserve the right to choose not to accept them for any reason. Should we decide not to accept, the product will be immediately returned.
- We do not guarantee positive reviews in exchange for products or services. We will always give our honest opinions.
- Should we be offered products or services and choose to review them, we will always fully disclose that fact. Any review without such disclosure is an independent review of a product or service that we have personally purchased.
- Unless specifically requested to be returned, all products sent to us and chosen for review will be kept or offered in giveaways to readers.
- If you are interested in having one of us review a product or service, please send an email (either to [email protected] or to the individual blogger) with a picture and/or a brief description and we will respond as soon as possible.
Advertising Policy
- We do NOT write paid posts. Advertising, either site-wide or for individual blogs, will only appear only in the sidebar.
- Advertising for individual blogs will be determined by the blogger, but advertisers chosen will be those that best demonstrate the goals and policies of the community.
If you are interested in advertising site-wide, please email us at [email protected]. If you are interested in advertising on a mini blog, you can find each blogger’s contact info here.