Dear Shredder,I really like the look. I know a lot of people don’t, but the cape plus cheese slicer look is a bold decision. Everyone i know is like “Meh meh the throne from Game of Thrones is so dangerous to sit on because it’s made of swords and can cut you when you sit […]
Letters to Supervillains Special: Dear Lady Stilt-Man,
Letters to Supervillains Special: Dear Rita Repulsa,
Dear Rita Repulsa, Why didn’t you just start every fight with the giant version of your monsters? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is a definition of insanity. And every encounter with the Power Rangers is the same: Send down evil monster with the Putty Patrol, get karated to […]
Letters to Supervillains Special: Dear Two-Face,
Letters to Supervillains Special: Dear Black Manta,
Dear Black Manta, You’re easily the coolest Aquaman villain. It probably feels like that’s not saying that much, since his villains include his half-brother Ocean Master, the Scavenger, and the Fisherman, but in your defense, Aquaman doesn’t have many villains. I already waxed poetic on how Batman’s villains are only good because of the numbers […]
Letters to Supervillains Special: Dear The Masters of Evil,
Letters to Supervillains Special: Dear Electro,
Dear Electro, Why are there so many other characters with electric powers that are better at using them than you? Aren’t you like electricity personified? Why does Black Lightning, a C-list and character from the Outsiders, have better control over electricity than you? Do you think Spider-Man ever runs to Thor and is like, “Hey, […]
Letters to Supervillains Special: Dear Captain Cold,
Letters to Supervillains Special: Dear Bizarro,
Dear Bizarro, Talking like it’s Opposite Day is really confusing. For instance, let’s say I want to ask you what you want for your birthday: “What would you like for your birthday?” becomes “When wouldn’t I hate for my regular day of no significance?” …And that second sentence is TERRIBLY subjective. Are we really even […]
Letters to Supervillains Special: Dear Crimson Dynamo,
Dear Crimson Dynamo, You’re like the evil, Russian Iron Man, right? His suit runs off of arc reactor technology and his own smug sense of self satisfaction. Does your suit run on potato vodka and Dostoyevsky novels? When you were signing up for the job of “Evil, Russian Iron Man,” did you not think that […]