He Saw/She Saw Oscar Results (One Week Later)



First of all, the Oscar Showcase was great!  Two Saturdays of popcorn and movies, totally worth it!

Now, and the winners (and losers) are…

Best Picture:


 About getting it wrong:

 He Said:  I guess the stories about Ben Affleck being slighted for best director were true.

Her: Argo was good, but not as good as Les Miserables.  Boo hoo, Affleck.  Best director slight does not equal best picture.


Best Actor:

Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln)

He Said: I got it wrong.  Wolverine probably wants to cut Lincoln with his admantium claws now (Snikt!).  You can bet that this was his best shot at an Oscar in his career.

Her:  Oh yeah, that’s right…suck it!


Best Actress:

Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook)

He Said:  I got it right!  I really thought they would’ve given it to Merle Streep.  Even though she wasn’t nominated, she still seems to win every time.  Probably should’ve given it to the elderly lady from “Amour” though.

Her:  Jennifer Lawrence is beautiful and talented, but after seeing all the movies I gotta’ say, Emmanuelle Reva deserved the Oscar.  She started out as an elegant and accomplished woman in a loving marriage and was transformed, ravished by an unexpected illness.  Brilliant.


Best Supporting Actor:

Christoph Waltz (Django Unchained)

About Getting it Wrong:

He Said:  I called it just before they announced it!  I didn’t realize who he was, but he was the best part of Django!

She Said:  After seeing all the movies, Waltz deserved the win.  He was a major part of the movie and did an excellent job.  Part con-man, part hit-man, who in the end was basically a good guy.  Well-deserved.


Best Supporting Actress Nominees:

Anne Hathaway (Les Miserables)

He Said: I got it wrong but just watch Anne Hathaway sing “I Dreamed a Dream” and you’ll understand why she won.

She Said:  Nailed it!  Again, suck it!


Best Directing:

Life of Pi (Ang Lee)

About Getting it Wrong:

He Said: Why couldn’t Ang Lee do as good of a job with that Hulk movie!

She Said:  Still surprised, but it made me want to read the book, something I didn’t want to do at all before.  Wicked tiger (even though it was 80% CGI).


Final Score:

He Said: 1 correct category

She Said: 2 correct categories (but I did get most of the lesser categories correct.  So, suck it!)


Well there you have it!  She has bragging rights now. (and 4evah!)


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About Toni and Sam

Toni is an elementary school teacher who finds an outlet in movies (and popcorn). Sam is the coolest comic book nerd you'll ever meet. Together, they see countless films and love on their adorable dog, Bixby (named for Bill Bixby, the star of the 1970s television series “The Incredible Hulk.”) Toni and Sam are the authors of the mini blog HE SAW/SHE SAW.
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